Get to know Nick

Hello!  My name is Nick.  I grew up on Long Island New York with what my friends would refer to them as the “cool parents” and although I did not realize it as a kid, an amazing older brother and sister.  At a young age, I developed a love for sports and music.  I played most every sport you can think of as a kid but gravitated towards baseball, which I played through high school.  Attempting to learn to play the drums and guitar, my friends and I put many make shift bands together and tried to emulate our favorite musicians.  
 After realizing that a career as a rock star was not in the cards for me, I went to college where I graduated with a degree in Economics and started my career in finance which is the field I work in to this day.  Today my job allows me the flexibility to work from home which is perfect when it comes to starting a family.  
 I love being outside and staying active. Taking my dog, Sully, to parks and on walks through the neighborhood, going jogging before work each morning and playing in softball leagues with my friends.  I still have a great love for sports and music, going to Met games, watching the 49ers play on Sundays in the fall and going to concerts.          

Get to know Amanda